Strategist™ software provides the structure for ‘Strategic Portfolio Management’
Strategist utilizes Maximal’s field-proven Planning Pyramid consisting of Product Management and strategy best practices to help your product managers develop strategic product management plans matched to corporate goals and objectives, products matched to market needs, and more effective marketing, pricing, sales and channel strategies. Strategies that take into account the entire product portfolio to optimize the product mix to maximize financial performance.
Only a comprehensive product management strategy tool can provide the discipline and structure needed to pull together the complete picture of market segment needs to make effective product strategy decisions that align with company objectives and resources.
Why would anyone risk human resources and financial capital on product strategy decisions that are based on tools that are ad hoc, inefficient, or completely miss key elements of market analysis and strategy formulation? If you have even the slightest doubt about the effectiveness of your product management strategy, you are most likely wasting valuable time, attention and money developing products that are undifferentiated or out of step with market needs.
Eliminate the guesswork in your product strategies!
Effective product management processes rely on timely and accurate customer and market information, internal strategic data, competitive information, and financial data, – all of which are essential elements for effective business case analysis, product planning, and strategy development.
Market information for product portfolio strategy can be expensive to obtain and even costlier when that IP walks out the door with your Product Manager!
Market information comes in many forms and is gathered at a substantial cost to the company yet much of this information ends up stored on personal hard drives or doesn’t get documented at all making the information inaccessible to others or worse unobtainable when the product manager changes positions or leaves the organization.
Think beyond the product. Think ‘Portfolio Maximization.’
Strategic thinking at the product management level is critical. Product managers must be the champions of outside-in thinking. They know market and customer needs. And, nobody in the organization knows the product uses and applications like the product manager. Rather than follow, product and market information compiled by product managers, should help shape and lead product portfolio strategic thinking. We call this concept “Portfolio Maximization.”
Portfolio maximization recognizes the synergy between product strategy development and portfolio management. It balances individual product strategy decisions with the entire product portfolio giving a tremendous boost to the financial health of the product portfolio and optimizes the efficiency of the organizations resources by focusing them on the right products in the right markets.
A comprehensive strategy tool for Product Managers.
Maximal Strategist is a dynamic tool for Product management that establishes consistency and fosters best practices. A process that enables Product managers to be more market focused and strategic. A comprehensive system for end-to-end product portfolio management.
Schedule a demonstration of Strategist software and see for yourself.